[RP TownTalk] Emergency Rekeying of Town Hall

Andrew Salgadoe asalgadoe at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 6 22:15:23 UTC 2016

Drop the one-way email fights, show up for council meetings, state your case, and then let it go. I don't like the nasty tone of your emails..too personal and unprofessional.  Perhaps use that energy to support other candidates for council or mayor on the next round. 

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  On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 4:43 PM, Andrew Salgadoe<asalgadoe at yahoo.com> wrote:   Johnathon you owe the town $344. It was your responsibility to return the keys when you resigned. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 8:35 PM, Jonathan Ebbeler<jebbeler at efusionconsulting.com> wrote:   
Mayor Archer –
Why was it necessary to engage Ernie’s Locks in May at a cost of $344.95 (invoice attached) for an emergency re-keying of Town Hall?  Wouldn’t it just have been cheaper to ask for my keys back?  I would have been happy to return them when I was back in town and able to do so.  
It seems decidedly unprofessional to spend $344.95 in tax payer money to do this.  It seems an odd thing to do.  We did not rekey the building when there were changes in Councilmembers, when Councilmembers resigned, or when one of our Councilmembers was arrested and later convicted of multiple felonies.  Other than my resignation, what prompted the need for you to make this request? 
Are there documents you had concern that I would see if I had access to Town Hall?  I can just request whatever I want via a Public Information Act request, although it was with some amusement I saw the denial of production of information unless I pre-paid the town $6200.  This behavior is not that of an open and transparent administration.
Your continued silence on issues that matter to people is inappropriate. 
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