[RP TownTalk] Metro Update: Metro GM releases final 'SafeTrack' maintenance plan beginning June 4

Jessica Barnes jbarnes at riverdaleparkmd.gov
Thu May 19 18:29:17 UTC 2016

Metro General Manager/CEO Paul J. Wiedefeld today publicly released the
<http://www.wmata.com/Images/Mrel/MF_Uploads/SafeTrack_Public.pdf?> final
SafeTrack plan -- a comprehensive maintenance effort that will accelerate
three years worth of work into approximately one year. The plan
significantly expands maintenance time on weekends, weeknights and midday
hours and includes 15 "Safety Surges"-- long-duration track outages for
major projects in key parts of the system. The plan addresses Federal
Transit Administration (FTA) and National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
safety recommendations and deferred maintenance backlogs while restoring
track infrastructure to good health.


In addition to the Safety Surge projects, SafeTrack also includes closing
the Metrorail system at midnight every night
beginning June 3 (rather than at 3 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights) and
expanding weekday maintenance opportunities by starting selected work at 8
p.m., rather than 10 p.m.


Each of the 15 Surge projects will result in either around-the-clock single
tracking or shutdowns of selected track segments and will have a significant
impact on rush-hour commutes. Many of the Surges will severely reduce the
frequency of trains, resulting in crowding and extended wait times. When a
Surge is underway on a particular line, Metro riders who have the ability to
do so may be asked to use alternate travel options and avoid Metro until the
project is complete.


The first Surge project will begin on Saturday, June 4, and involves
continuous single tracking between East Falls Church and Ballston-MU
stations through June 16 while miles of deteriorated wooden rail ties are
removed, the substructure of the railroad is rebuilt and new ties,
fasteners, ballast and other infrastructure is installed. The duration of
this project is 13 days and will result in reduced service at all Orange and
Silver line stations, especially those stations west of Ballston where
trains will only run every 18 minutes. Due to reduced capacity and expected
longer travel times, Orange and Silver line customers are strongly
encouraged to consider alternative travel options and avoid traveling during
rush-hour periods.


For the first Safety Surge, Metrorail customers are advised of the following
service information between June 4-16:


.         Orange Line trains will run every 18 minutes at stations between
Vienna and Ballston-MU

.         Silver Line trains will run every 18 minutes at all times

.         Additional Orange Line trains will run between Ballston and New
Carrollton; however, trains will still be less frequent than normal

.         Expect significant crowding on Orange and Silver line trains

.         Blue, Yellow, Green and Red line service will operate normally
during rush hours during Safety Surge 1.

You can view a quick video about the first Surge project
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oDoOtHF6ok> here. The complete schedule of
Safety Surges is available on WMATA's
<http://www.wmata.com/Images/Mrel/MF_Uploads/surgesched.pdf?> website.



For more information about the SafePlan Maintenance Plan and how it may
impact you and your organization, please
> read the complete press release and view the SafeTrack plan.


We know that this track work will impact you and your organization, and we
want you to be as prepared as possible. Please forward this information
along to others who may be affected in your organization so that they may
plan appropriately. Updated information will continue to be posted on
Metro's website ( <http://www.WMATA.com> wmata.com). 


Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. I will send you
additional information as it becomes available.




Lisa Schooley

External Relations

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority


Email:  <mailto:lschooley at wmata.com> lschooley at wmata.com

Direct line: (202) 962-1754


600 5th Street, NW

Room 3E-11

Washington DC 20001




Jessica E. Barnes

Town Clerk

Riverdale Park

5008 Queensbury Road

Riverdale Park, MD 20737

www.riverdaleparkmd.info <http://www.riverdaleparkmd.info/> 



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