[RP TownTalk] Town Legislation and Transparency

Marsha D. ehmteadee at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 16:49:41 UTC 2018

Fellow residents --

Though I generally tend to stay off of TownTalk as a councilperson and
interact with this list primarily as a resident, it was brought to my
attention that yesterday a resident posted to this list excerpts of a
private email conversation between the two of us regarding a piece of
legislation I have proposed. And while I have no issue at all with
residents holding me accountable to my sworn duties as the elected
representative of Ward 1, I do take issue with posting excerpts of a
conversation in order to mislead residents of this town.

One of my core values – both personally and in my role as councilmember is
transparency – and I have done everything possible to move legislation
regarding voter expansion through the governance process with 100%
transparency. To email this list with portions of a conversation in order
to make it appear that I have operated with anything other than full
transparency is not simply a mischaracterization -- it's not aligned with a
democratic process.

I recognize that the resolution on voter expansion stirs up a plethora of
emotions in Town residents. I have received feedback ranging from residents
who are in full support to those who have been so angry that it has caused
them to scream at me and point in my face. As a public figure, I have
chosen to put myself in a position to listen to residents who may find my
decision-making controversial at times. However, I implore everyone in this
Town to maintain respect, honesty and integrity with in our correspondences
— even, and maybe even especially, when we disagree.

Over the past few months, I have made a concerted effort to ensure that
full transparency has been provided in the proposal regarding voter
expansion that is currently before the Council. In addition to notifying
residents in various issues of the Town Crier, Town staff posted the
Legislative Committee agendas publicly and I also tweeted to encourage
residents to attend the committee meetings in order to provide feedback and
ask questions about the resolution. I have used various mediums to receive
feedback and answer questions from Town residents regarding the legislation
-- including e-mail, phone calls, informal conversations at Town Center
Market, and more. In fact, many residents have attended the meetings we've
publicized and have offered feedback, and I have made alterations to the
proposed legislation in accordance with that feedback.

During the first Committee meeting, we spent hours discussing the
legislation and listening to feedback from residents. To give legislative
committee members and residents an opportunity to mull over and understand
the legislation, the committee waited two weeks before holding its second
meeting on the legislation. During the second meeting, residents were again
given an opportunity to provide feedback to the committee members and have
their questions answered -- which many residents also participated in. The
proposed legislation was the only item on the meeting agenda and the
meeting lasted over three hours. Minutes were taken at each of these
meetings and I have made very clear to residents who have reached out to
me, regardless of their position on the proposed legislation, how to access
those minutes -- including to the resident who wrote this list yesterday,
which he left out of his excerpts. At the most recent work session, the
full Council heard feedback and answered additional questions from

I continue to encourage residents to provide feedback on the proposed
resolution to councilmembers and ask for your patience in receiving a
response. All councilmembers serve the Town in a *very* part-time capacity
while balancing full-time jobs, family, and other commitments. But I know
that all of my colleagues will agree that we will all respond as quickly as
we're able, and will strive to be clear about the timeline for response
that's realistic for us.

I will continue to make myself available to residents who wish to offer
feedback on this proposed legislation and on other Town matters. I continue
to believe in this Town, and it continues to be an honor to serve on the


Councilwoman Marsha Dixon


Councilwoman Marsha Dixon, Esq.

Riverdale Park, MD - Ward 1

Phone: (301) 531-4230

website: www.marsha4ward1.com | Twitter: @ <https://twitter.com/cbh726>
marsha4ward1 | Facebook:  www.facebook.com/
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