[RP TownTalk] Fwd: Citizens for Health Alert: Maryland Bill HB 654 Threatens To Strip Local Control of Cell Towers

Alan Thompson akthompson at riverdaleparkmd.gov
Tue Feb 19 02:36:47 UTC 2019

Jeffrey, your suggestion that the telcos "....place them on high, out of the way places like light and traffic pole corners of buildings where they blend into the background." is a great start.  What HB 654 would do is take away the Town's (and other local government's) ability to regulate placement, appearance, etc., at all!

A recent FCC ruling (it went into effect in mid-January) takes away the ability of states and local governments to regulate most aspects of 5G technology, and 5G (in contrast to 4G) will be placing transmission stations every 200-500 feet through the community.  Currently, the only aspects of 5G deployment that the Town can regulate under the FCC ruling are "aesthetic" elements (placement and appearance, but to a limited extent), safety,* and (within recommended ranges) the amount we charge them for the costs associated with their use of the public space controlled by the Town. The FCC ruling requires that the telecommunication companies be allowed to install their equipment in Town - we will have dozens of transmitters installed soon.

We are forbidden from considering the health effects you were discussing in your response - if we appear to consider those health effects, we lose more of our remaining powers.

Ocean City was able to negotiate with the telecoms for deployment of nice-looking poles on their boardwalk, but the FCC ruling takes away the leverage that they used to make that happens.  HB 654 would go even further than the FCC ruling, and we could end up with no power to regulate placement (or appearance) of the transmitters.

The Town will be working to establish guidelines for placement and appearance over the next few months, before an April 15 deadline.

I'm happy to discuss this more, but it's hard to put the tens of hours of research I've put into this issue so far in a short letter....



* "Safety" in this context refers to to things like mechanical stability, electrical safety, and traffic impacts, but not health effects of the radio emissions.

On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 3:44 PM Jeffrey Yorke <yorkedial at gmail.com<mailto:yorkedial at gmail.com>> wrote:

What is wrong with small cells?
Seems to make sense to place them on high, out of the way places like light and traffic pole corners of buildings where they blend into the background.

When your asthmatic child has an arrest, your husband's heart stops, or your house is on ablaze and the fire department needs to be summoned, who do you blame when your mobile call fails and you can't reach help?

There is no evidence that cell towers and small cell networks pose health concerns despite the repeated claims by the not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY) groups. In fact, the American Cancer Society has debunked the cancer myth repeatedly over the past decade. See this from the ACS site:  https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/radiation-exposure/cellular-phone-towers.html

Do cellular phone towers cause cancer?

Some people have expressed concern that living, working, or going to school near a cell phone tower might increase the risk of cancer or other health problems. At this time, there is very little evidence to support this idea. In theory, there are some important points that would argue against cellular phone towers being able to cause cancer.

First, the energy level of radiofrequency (RF) waves is relatively low, especially when compared with the types of radiation that are known to increase cancer risk, such as gamma rays, x-rays, and ultraviolet (UV) light. The energy of RF waves given off by cell phone towers is not enough to break chemical bonds in DNA molecules, which is how these stronger forms of radiation may lead to cancer.

A second issue has to do with wavelength. RF waves have long wavelengths, which can only be concentrated to about an inch or two in size. This makes it unlikely that the energy from RF waves could be concentrated enough to affect individual cells in the body.

Third, even if RF waves were somehow able to affect cells in the body at higher doses, the level of RF waves present at ground level is very low – well below the recommended limits. Levels of energy from RF waves near cell phone towers are not significantly different from the background levels of RF radiation in urban areas from other sources, such as radio and television broadcast stations.

By the way, I do question the legitimacy of "Citizens for Health Radio Show with Jim Turner." It claims to be part of the "Building Fortunes Radio Network" operated by "PM Marketing" in Palm Coast, FL. I covered the radio industry for nearly 40 years and this bunch never was on anyone's radar. I think you can file this under "fake news."

On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 1:52 PM sheila <herb4u at verizon.net<mailto:herb4u at verizon.net>> wrote:
Important information!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Citizens for Health <info at citizens.org<mailto:info at citizens.org>>
Subject: Citizens for Health Alert: Maryland Bill HB 654 Threatens To Strip Local Control of Cell Towers
Date: February 18, 2019 at 8:00:27 AM EST
To: herb4u at verizon.net<mailto:herb4u at verizon.net>
Reply-To: comments at citizens.org<mailto:comments at citizens.org>

MD Bill HB 654 Could Strip Local Control of Cell Towers
House of Delegates Hearing Scheduled for Thursday, February 21st, 1PM EST

February 18, 2019

Dear Citizen for Health,

Marylanders, please take immediate action.

Delegate Dereck Davis, the Chair of the powerful Economic Matters Committee in the Maryland House of Delegates, has introduced a bill - HB 654<http://org.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=jxlrk69sxGTTtU1XWIdVyVL9hUBRgOLI> - that would dismantle many local zoning requirements over small cell towers.

Chairman Davis has scheduled a hearing on this bill for Thursday, February 21 at 1pm in the Maryland House of Delegates. The bill is fully supported by cell tower companies and they have hired lots of lobbyists to push their agenda. The bill would remove local zoning review in approving small cells, and counties and cities would no longer be able to apply even some existing standards. Small cells could be deployed on streetlights, buildings, and near homes without any say from local voices.

Towers could be right up next to homes – mere feet from bedroom windows. Basically, the bill strips the County, towns and cities from almost all their authority to ensure these facilities are safe and appropriately placed in our communities. Many have worked with cities and towns to craft local ordinances to govern the placement of these small cell towers. All of that work would be nullified if HB 654 passes.

Swift action made the difference and halted this bill last year - and it can again if we raise our voices loud and clear.


1. Call and Write to the members of the House Economic Matters Committee. Contact info available here.<http://org.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=dNTsdFXdCi2IHztSO0JhilL9hUBRgOLI>

If you can only make three phone calls please call the following THREE IMPORTANT members and tell them “Do Not Pass HB 654! Protect Our Families! Preserve Local Zoning Over Cell Towers.”

Majority Whip Talmadge Branch – 410-841-3398  email: talmadge.branch at house.state.md<mailto:talmadge.branch at house.state.md>

Committee Chair Dereck Davis – 410-841-3519  email: dereck.davis at house.state.md.us<mailto:dereck.davis at house.state.md.us>

Public Utilities Subcommittee Chair Benjamin Brooks – 410-841-3352  email: Benjamin.brooks at house.state.md<mailto:Benjamin.brooks at house.state.md>

Phone/Email Script:

Please oppose HB 654 “Wireless Facilities – Installation and Regulation” scheduled to be heard on February 21st at 1:00 pm in the House Economic Matters Committee. This bill is a giveaway to the telecommunications industry at the expense of taxpayers and local communities.

The legislation silences our voices. This bill would obliterate local laws that we as a community have crafted to protect our homes and our rights of way. This bill would allow the the telecommunication companies to place their cell towers with no regard for the safety of our communities.

Please protect our local communities. Don't pass this bill or ANY bill which takes away local rights!

2. Circulate this email and alert everyone you know to the threat we face! Ask them to take action!

3. If you can, please show up in person to testify at the hearing - the more people the better. The hearing is on February 21st at 1:00 pm. BUT YOU MUST SIGN UP IN PERSON BY NOON!

The hearing will take place in the State Capitol at the House Office Building: 6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD. The hearing is in Room 230. (Bring 35 copies of your comments if you are planning to testify. Written statements can be longer but verbal remarks must be limited to 3 minutes, or about 350 words.)

4. Calls are essential! Please call as many of the Committee Members as you can. Once again, their phone numbers and other info can be found here<http://org.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=htwko1uzt%2FLugP99eBcgFVL9hUBRgOLI>.

Thank you for your support of health freedom!

The Citizens for Health Team

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Alan K. Thompson, Mayor
Town of Riverdale Park
5008 Queensbury Road, Riverdale Park, MD 20737
akthompson at riverdaleparkmd.gov<mailto:akthompson at riverdaleparkmd.gov>
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