[RP TownTalk] Interim web site first sketch

Rob Oppenheim rob.oppenheim at comcast.net
Tue Nov 8 22:56:10 UTC 2005

The interim town web site page looks nice, 
I would change "For the moment" to be "In the interim" 
but it is a minor distinction.

I prefer to avoid floating images behind text. it can look great
on some monitors and horrible on others. And it can make the
text very difficult to read on some monitors. Not a big deal,
just my personal preference. 

It would be best to remove the reference to the October Crier.
That was not the version of the PDF that was released. 
The correct version is on www.rptc.us

If you like, you could refer people to www.rptc.us with something like...
2005 Town Criers are available on line here: www.rptc.us

There is a lot to be said for mini-web sites that are targeted 
to a specific purpose - easier to maintain with a clear line
of responsibility. On www.rptc.us I set up the links page as a
sub-web so that Leslie can change it herself, and the editor 
can maintain the archives.

Rob Oppenheim

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