[RP TownTalk] Stipend increase

Jennifer Gerwig email2jlg at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 7 17:24:19 UTC 2006

I also agree with your feeling on the councilmember's responsibilty to the ward and would love to know where abstaining fits in the picture.  Was this meeting on the cable channel?  I never saw a post about it, but would have set the dvr.  Is it only MUTC meetings?
  Do the opinions voiced on here carry any weight when gauging public opinion re: town legislation and direction?  Maybe a petition/survey is a good way to go.  It seems this should be something addressed again in the near future before elections come to encourage people to consider running and to avoid having it still be on the table in the new term.  

Dwight Holmes <dwightrholmes at gmail.com> wrote:
  Nancy, I couldn't agree more. I've hesitated to post any reaction, not having heard anything about what actually went on at the meeting, let alone what reasons might have been given for the abstentions.  But it would seem to me that an abstention here is essentially an abdication.  As you said, either you think it's a good idea or you don't.  Conflict of interest doesn't enter in -- and can't.  This is the body charged with making the rules.  Vote, one way or another. 

  On 12/7/06, Nancy Mooney <nbmooney1 at yahoo.com> wrote:     Everyone has been doing such a good job expressing themselves about the council/mayor increase that I've remained silent.
  But I now have to ask - what's up with abstaining?  What does that mean?  Isn't this what people volunteer to do, to understand what the ward wants and cast a vote accordingly?  I'm new to politics so would appreciate someone shedding a light on this. 

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