[RP TownTalk] taxes

Dwight Holmes dwightrholmes at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 02:35:39 UTC 2007

Roland, do you have any broadbrush numbers on this - would be
interesting to see the relative magnitudes... thnx

On 5/16/07, Roland Walker <walker at pobox.com> wrote:
> > Why don't we find a
> > way to address this lack of revenue?  It doesn't always have to be on the
> > backs of the residents.
> We have a way: M-Square.
> The M-Square Research Park on the north side of town is going to bring
> in a huge amount of commercial tax revenue (technically payments in
> lieu of taxation).
> This is our future:
>    http://www.msquare.umd.edu
> The amounts generated by M-Square will dwarf the tax revenues from a
> filled town center, redeveloped MUTC zone, and developed Cafritz
> property -- combined.
> R
> On 5/16/07, ABragg7393 at aol.com <ABragg7393 at aol.com> wrote:
> > With all the talk about raising taxes, it occurred to me that this happens
> > all the time when we talk the budget.  Seems like our elected officials
> > always want to raise taxes and It doesn't matter who those elected officials
> > are.  (Whoever is in office at the time of the budget meetings)  The
> > question is always "If you don't want to raise taxes, what services do you
> > want to cut?"  For over 30 years I have heard that same question and I
> > always have the same answer.  "I want my services and I don't want a raise
> > in taxes."  It always comes down to the residents having to cough up more
> > money, or small businesses taking the brunt of it.  I have a novel idea!
> > What about all those buildings in Town Center - vacant.  What about those
> > buildings on Kenilworth Ave. - vacant.  How about the Old Suntrust bank
> > building - semi vacant.  What if they were rented out to businesses and
> > brought revenue to the town.  Why don't we go there.  Why don't we find a
> > way to address this lack of revenue?  It doesn't always have to be on the
> > backs of the residents.
> >
Riverdale Park Coffee House (blog)
Map of Riverdale Park MD Trolley Hiker-Biker Trail and Cafritz Property
Tracking the Washington Nationals' 2007 season (will they catch the '62 Mets?):

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