[RP TownTalk] Wachovia building update

Dwight Holmes dwightrholmes at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 19:53:43 UTC 2007

In regards to the Planning Board's hearing tomorrow, what exactly will
they be acting on? Has Wachovia come back with a revised plan in
response to the conditions that Alice noted in her email of 4/12/07
(below)?  How much time do they have on the agenda tomorrow? And where
is the meeting - Upper Marlboro?


On 4/12/07, Alice Ewen Walker <alice.ewen.walker at gmail.com> wrote:
> Town Talk,
> The Wachovia building project went before the county planning board today.
> The planning board made clear that it will not approve the project
> unless some changes are made. The number of drive through lanes were a
> particular issue. Based on feedback from the planning board, the
> developer is going to review the project with Wachovia to determine
> what course of action they will take. No final vote was held.
> The county's conditions for approval of the project included reducing
> the number of drive through lanes from 5 to 3, providing a pedestrian
> accessible ATM (instead of solely drive through ATMS), enhancing
> building and entrance design features to make the building scan as
> having a strong front facade on Baltimore Avenue, and some landscape
> adjustments.  You can read the list of conditions on page 15 of the
> report located at:
> http://www.mncppc.org/pgco/planning/pdf/04-12-7/SP-06003.pdf
> I'll post any further updates.
> - Alice Ewen Walker
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