[RP TownTalk] Wachovia building update

Roland Walker walker at pobox.com
Tue Jun 12 20:35:22 UTC 2007

The developer revised the plan, but did not meet all conditions from
the Park and Planning staff report.  For instance, there are still
several drive-through lanes, which is the largest point of contention.
 The Planning Board will be acting on the revised plan, considering
the input of the various parties of record.

Our town council voted to approve the project last week, but only if
all conditions of the Park and Planning staff report are met.  13
citizens, including myself, urged the town council to follow our MUTC
board and reject the project.

Hyattsville and University Park are on record opposing the project.

The Planning Board meets at the big county building in Upper Marlboro.
 There is no set amount of time for this item given on the agenda.

This is probably the last meeting to be held on this project.  If it
is approved, they can start building.  If it is denied, they are going
to have to start fresh.


On 6/12/07, Dwight Holmes <dwightrholmes at gmail.com> wrote:
> In regards to the Planning Board's hearing tomorrow, what exactly will
> they be acting on? Has Wachovia come back with a revised plan in
> response to the conditions that Alice noted in her email of 4/12/07
> (below)?  How much time do they have on the agenda tomorrow? And where
> is the meeting - Upper Marlboro?
> Thanks.
> On 4/12/07, Alice Ewen Walker <alice.ewen.walker at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Town Talk,
> >
> > The Wachovia building project went before the county planning board today.
> >
> > The planning board made clear that it will not approve the project
> > unless some changes are made. The number of drive through lanes were a
> > particular issue. Based on feedback from the planning board, the
> > developer is going to review the project with Wachovia to determine
> > what course of action they will take. No final vote was held.
> >
> > The county's conditions for approval of the project included reducing
> > the number of drive through lanes from 5 to 3, providing a pedestrian
> > accessible ATM (instead of solely drive through ATMS), enhancing
> > building and entrance design features to make the building scan as
> > having a strong front facade on Baltimore Avenue, and some landscape
> > adjustments.  You can read the list of conditions on page 15 of the
> > report located at:
> > http://www.mncppc.org/pgco/planning/pdf/04-12-7/SP-06003.pdf
> >
> > I'll post any further updates.
> >
> > - Alice Ewen Walker
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