[RP TownTalk] Emergency Moderation is on etc.

Lou King lking at knob.com
Sat Nov 3 18:25:34 UTC 2007

With moderation on and nothing else to do (that sounds sad) I decided it 
was time for some field research.  I put the old coot on one end of a 
leather strap and went for a walk/drive around town (Several trips 
actually, Fri and Sat.).

Not sure why we all have our shorts in a knot.  Besides lovely weather 
and a busy small town cleaning their yards (I should), kids running 
around, people going in and out of businesses, and people waiting for a 
bus, I did not see any roses, fund raising, begging, food carts, yard 
sales, etc.  The Good Humor truck did drive past my house Friday but I 
think he was headed to a fire with his music(?) blaring.

I took the time last night to re-read all the references listed on the 
forum and wasn't very satisfied. I couldn't figure out why until someone 
brought to my attention that the studies do a lot of correlation but no 
proof of cause and effect. My San Fransisco study really just say things 
got better but not why (No change is the best answer?).  Showing cause & 
effect is a real pain. All other variables must be controlled/accounted 
for. What's that line about when you strip-away everything else, the 
truth is what you have left. Just correlation results in bits like dress 
length and the Dowl Jones,  correlation but no cause and effect. 

Oh well, should go work in the yard.


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