[RP TownTalk] Community meeting Tuesday re: Kenilworth corridor

Alice Ewen Walker alice at ewenwalker.com
Mon Oct 22 00:48:59 UTC 2007


This Tuesday evening is the first community meeting regarding the
redesign and visioning for the Kenilworth Avenue corridor. M-NCPPC
will be leading a community process for re-imagining the commercial
section of Kenilworth. All residents from the area are encouraged to
attend and bring your ideas, concerns, and dreams for this major
thoroughfare. It is an open house format - drop in anytime between 7
and 9 pm.

Details below.

- Alice

Park and Planning Invitation regarding Kenilworth Avenue design and visioning:

We are seeking
your help in
planning revitalization
strategies for the
Central Kenilworth
Avenue Corridor
between River Road
and Edmonston Road.

You are invited to a reception to initiate the
Central Kenilworth Avenue Revitalization Study

October 23, 2007
Drop by anytime between 7 and 9 pm

6200 Sheridan Street
(UM Multi-cultural Center next to
William Wirt Middle School)

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