[RP TownTalk] Halloween

cranky old coot lking at knob.com
Tue Oct 30 23:34:16 UTC 2007

"Gain one hour of sleep" How do you figure that Rob?

I got to set the alarm for 2 am, get up, then wakeup enough to change 
the clock on the VCR. By the time I figure out how to do that its 2 AM 
again!  Gees I lose sleep.

And The Washington Post today explained why I'm grumpier than normal do 
to this foolish, fuelish effort to save energy. I believe I've seen 
studies that say because of our 24/7 life style this tinkering with 
mother nature cost more energy trying to keep the sun up.

Question - Next Sunday will my VCR blink 11:00 instead of 12:00? Or if I 
don't set it back will it blink 1:00?  Now I'm going to lose an other 
hours sleep.

Thank you Rob


Rob Oppenheim wrote:
>  On Nov 4, We "Fall Back" one hour (2 am becomes 1 am).
> You gain one hour of sleep.

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