[RP TownTalk] Vacant Bldgs

bruce.wernek at mindspring.com bruce.wernek at mindspring.com
Mon Sep 10 19:31:35 UTC 2007


Good point, it is the "Gateway" to our Town.  That is precisely my point.  I encourage all of our readers to take a walk about and look at the "Gateway" to out Town and then look across the street.  Hyattsville apparently has a different vision for their Town. 


-----Original Message-----
>From: Lou King <lking at knob.com>
>Sent: Sep 10, 2007 11:12 AM
>To: towntalk at riverdale-park.org
>Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Vacant Bldgs
>His proposal may be on the table, but its dead.  Last Tuesday the 
>Council voted to say that they did not want a new gas station on that 
>corner - that may not be technically correct, but that is the result.  
>Based on the Multi-use standards "we" want a 3-5 story building on that 
>corner, built out to Rout 1.  (Yes the standard says 6 story, but it 
>also says not more than 2 stories higher than the adjacent buildings 
>(which will be 3 stories).)
>The corner that Jays sits on has been identified as a "Gateway" to 
>Riverdale.  Do we really want a BP gas station on that corner?  And if 
>you want me to get on my soapbox, we could address the trash and noise 
>from the late night operation of a gas station like the one on 
>Queensbury and Rt 1. 
>But Bruce you are correct, we should be consistent.  We (the town) are 
>holding our ground with the developers on the Rt 1/410 corner.  Holding 
>out for multi-story, multi-use, pedestrian friendly development. And I 
>think we are getting what we want.
>As for Pete, he may view his treatment as less than "red carpet."  The 
>community developed standards for that area included 3 stories.  Pete 
>wanted 5 stories. There was also an issue of parking.  Again "we" held 
>out for the standards we have agreed to.
>As for rolling out the red carpet, I think Jeys has gotten the same 
>"carpet" as everyone else.
>bruce.wernek at mindspring.com wrote:
>> Emily
>> We can get started by doing something about Jeys Auto.  He made a 
>> proposal which was far and away better than it is now.  I don't know 
>> if any of our readers have looked at his property lately, but it's as 
>> bad as it gets.  We rolled out the red carpet for Pete, but for some 
>> reason nothing happened with Jeys.  Does anyone have an update on this?
>> If his proposal is still on the table.  Why don't we roll out the red 
>> carpet for him.
>> Bruce
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