[RP TownTalk] Closed meetings

Cranky old Coot lking at knob.com
Thu Sep 8 22:26:06 UTC 2011

Ms Lefkowitz, How dare you interject reason into this topic???

In this public environment with those apposed to the project watching, 
and the advice (I'm sure) of the town lawyer, what do you think the 
answer to your question is?

If people really think the Mayor and Council Members are dumb enough to 
hold a meeting that is not in total compliance with the law, how did 
they get elected/re-elected? Its not like this is the first closed 
meeting that has been held in town. Not even the first closed meeting 
about development in Riverdale Park.

So much noise about so little substance. There are aspects of the 
Cafrtiz project that honest people can differ on and we wast all this 
bandwidth and time on things that aren't even a matter of opinion.
I'm the Cranky Old Coot's keeper, and I approve this message

Lou King

Euniverz wrote, On 9/8/2011 3:23 PM:
> The bottom line is....

> Adrianne Lefkowitz
> Madison Street

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