[RP TownTalk] Cut-throuhs/development

Sue Collins wheadle at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 10 18:19:31 UTC 2012

RE the email about 'cut throughs;' Just as an example of a cut-through road; has anyone else tried to walk across Lafayette Avenue and Queensbury or Rhode Island and Queensbury at rush hour? Very nearly impossible and with the new development, it'll only get worse. And the stores in Town Center were mentioned; if part of this land (the parking lot, etc) is taken for traffic going to the new developments, who on earth will want to risk trying to find a parking space at the Town Center shops, assuming there are any new shops? 
The impact of the development on what are now lovely towns in the area is a big part of my concern and these things need to be addressed BEFORE the construction begins. As I said before, I've lived in the area a long time which certainly doesn't mean that I'm always right, but DOES mean I've seen a lot more instances of development (not just around here) where you hear a whole lot of "woulda, coulda, and shoulda" after the fact. 
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