[RP TownTalk] Synapses

Jonathan Ebbeler jebbeler at efusionconsulting.com
Tue Feb 4 13:15:08 UTC 2014


Let's break this down into its simplest form:  Rapid Permits was retained by a client and did not deliver - not shocking to discover that they aren't happy and are trying again and again to illustrate how terrible I am. It's a concept called sour grapes. The second concept is whack a mole - where one continually "asks" the same questions or makes the same accusations again and again and again only to regurgitate them ad naseum.   I'll gladly provide you with the contact information for the MD Ethics Board if you or he feels mistreated or that I've broken laws.    

Your opinion is ill conceived. Stan's client actually had no legal right to propose what they did. They required a special permit to even have it considered. Fact is if this was any other property on the entire route 1 corridor, it would have been rejected at a staff level due to county-prescribed prohibited materials.  As it was, it still required town approval and at the town level we are free to place whatever restrictions, changes, etc on the application that we feel necessary.  It is done routinely and very few special permits ever get through without conditions.   

It would be helpful if you have questions to ask them vs. couching them in accusations. A better form would have been: "were there overriding town or county provisions that allowed conditions or changes to be made to the application?" Or "is it unusual for legislative bodies to place conditions of approval upon applications?"  It would be even more helpful if you asked questions to someone who represented you. I am sure CM Lingua would be more than happy to go over point by point at your pleasure. 

Please work with your CM on any constituent matters. I am not the town's spokesperson. You have an individual elected official that can help provide any information you desire. If he isn't providing you the level of service you want escalate it to the mayor that's what they are there for. 



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