[RP TownTalk] TownTalk Digest, Vol 127, Issue 13

David Michailof drmsparks at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 16 12:48:56 UTC 2017

Why is towntalk being used to push a particular political agenda?
This list serve is supposed to be politically neutral and used to inform us about non political happenings in town.
It should not be used to push political meetings and rallies from either party.

 Say what you will about Sisyphus. He always had work. 

Here you go Bruce! I googled it to make sure I understood what it meant. There's a ton of hits that talk about its existence mostly in the media. I copied and pasted the top hit here.
On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 10:58 AM Bruce Wernek <bruce.wernek at verizon.net> wrote:

White savior complex?  What on earth are you talking about? 
  On 02/14/17, Sarah Combs<lilmz79 at yahoo.com> wrote: 
Equip yourself to take action in your community! Build the skills you need to effectively intervene when you witness harassment and contribute to changing the culture that perpetuates and normalizes violence. The second half of this workshop will address privilege and the white savior complex in the context of bystander intervention. All participants are welcome, and we especially encourage white attendees to stay for the full workshop. 

Sun. Feb 26, 2-5
University Park Elementary4315 Underwood St, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782
 Accommodation details and transportation information are included on the registration form:
We will be requesting a small cash donation, for those that can afford it, to cover the costs of hosting the workshop. 

Co-sponsored by University Park Racial Justice and Rt 1 Racial Justice Peace Makers. For more info on University Park Racial Justice, email: info.uprj at gmail.com For more info on Rt 1 Racial Justice Peace Makers, visit their Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/841722225958185/Facebook Event

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